Monday, July 27, 2009

Website issue-

I just want everyone to be who reads this to know that I thank you for your patience while I rework my website. My hosting came due to renew and I decided not to renew it with Shanna from Sitesquared. She did not answer one question I had for the last 6 months and I felt like I was ultimately not getting the attention that I need since I do not know all there is to know regarding website issues.
So I hired a new web/graphics designer to help me develop a new site. So as I sift through the drama of change please be patient and thank you for your continued support. I know this new designer will wow us all.
Thanks so much,
Stephanie Brandenburg

1 comment:

Simply Iowa said...

Hey Girlie!
Your booth was AMAZING in TN. I had no doubts... I know you're busting your fanny, take a deep breath, and remember to be kind to yourself...
Barb C.