Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Nativity

Well it has been quite a week! I was honored to set up the Nativity for the Tanenbaum Forest in Amana. Roxanne Pierce began the journey with me, getting the lights strung and getting the Nativity out. But it was not coming together in my brain! Erick Wolfmeyer helped me and our theme is finding the light in you. As you walk up to discover Baby Jesus you pass by a series of mirrors to remind us all that we are the change and the peace we seek. We are the light of Christ. Merry Christmas everyone and Peace to all of all faiths!
Please try to see the Nativity and all of the trees- the proceeds all go Make-a-Wish Foundation

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Well it is official!

We will be printing Daydreams and Urban Squares Thanks to everybody for your support and excitement for my work - it truly keeps me going!
Some photos from the booth as we have out preview until 10:00 p-

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Out there in paper!

This is my new work for fabric ... Urban Art full of angst ridden writers, rain on the streets, graffiti and hope that is the creativity of youth in sidewalk chalk... The champagne on the table is to celebrate the final shoot for Outdoor Rooms Magazine- I survived - I still can't believe that- it was a good stress though and will be worth it when the mag comes out Spring 2010! Fabric however out there now- Order it -please... and put something out there!
Peace- Steph


So just when you think you are going to relax... think again. You can see a small figure in the center of this video - that is my Liam dancing the night away to the Australian band The Rosie Burgess trio a free concert at Green Square Park in Cedar Rapids. This was a great night and a great show- My Paige and Marc went too and we all had fun!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

No pain, no gain...

Here are some photos of a very exciting project we are putting together at the store- 
Come and see us in person!! 
 I want to thank everybody who has helped with this! My dear friend Dawn from Peck's, Sandy at Von Essen Gallery, Jeannie at Dry Creek Hostas,  Barb at Crosscreek Antiques, Marcus at Okoboji Wines, my Paige and everyone at Fern Hill of course including Cheryl and Brian, Dale, Joe and Marc!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Website issue-

I just want everyone to be who reads this to know that I thank you for your patience while I rework my website. My hosting came due to renew and I decided not to renew it with Shanna from Sitesquared. She did not answer one question I had for the last 6 months and I felt like I was ultimately not getting the attention that I need since I do not know all there is to know regarding website issues.
So I hired a new web/graphics designer to help me develop a new site. So as I sift through the drama of change please be patient and thank you for your continued support. I know this new designer will wow us all.
Thanks so much,
Stephanie Brandenburg

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

AQS Knoxville, TN

Here we are y'all! We are in Knoxville Tennessee! We are showing off our latest collection Urban Squares... we have two original quilt patterns ready as well as what I like to call... Fern Hill pattern conversions! We have Hollyhocks! So plant your garden in fabric at our booth 427 -429! 
We are here until Saturday so come see us. I have to mention that I stopped at one of my  all time favorite stores Scarlett Scales in Franklin I'll show you my great finds asap.
I'll post more pics as soon as I can!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Urban Squares is at Fern Hill

Come in and touch and feel my latest line! Urban Squares is very impressive with deep color and layered shapes you will have fun building your project!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It is done Jane!

This is the long awaited seed germintator painted for ever so patient Jane-

I really like this piece- I love how it is the seeds of creativity and real seeds at the same time!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thank you!

I just want to thank Jamie for sharing her blue ribbon prize winning quilt! This is what the circle of creating is all about! Thanks for taking the time to share this with me Jamie! Good Job! To see another pic go to 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Peaceful Resignation...

I am thrilled to feature a new piece of art. My City Waterworks painting has been a journey in the making. This is acrylic and pastel on masonite. The City Waterworks is beveled glass from an old door from an actual waterworks facility. I asked Joe Rance to make a frame for me and he did, about three years ago, and about three years ago they cut down rows of trees on 1st Avenue in Cedar Rapids where I lived at the time and where I painted. I was finishing a custom order when I heard the hacking and buzzing of saws. These beautiful healthy trees stood there with these great white X s slashed across their trunks, waiting. It has haunted me to this day. So this is an environmental piece. When you see this painting think of the trees, think of the ribbons tied around them by their guardians begging the powers that be, not to do this. But also the resounding resignation that we are all trees with white Xs. Peace.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I want to say Thank You! To all who supported my work and our Fern Hill/ Stephanie Brandenburg Studios booth in Chicago and then in Paducah. I was truly inspired by everyone and so thankful to have your encouragement and support. My bookshelf pattern is flying off its shelves!
This excitement is contagious and I promise I will continue to produce the best work I can for all of you- So you can be as excited about your projects as I am! Fern Hill's Hollyhock Dolls and Garden Garments is reprinting... and ...
my new collection Urban Squares is printing as we speak!! It is a different line for me but very cool.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What is coming for May Quilt Market?

These are some of the new designs I have put together for the International Quilt Market in May for Camelot Cottons!

I am very excited about a new look with Urban Squares. I'll give you a sneak peek!

Also Irish lace will accompany our Hollyhock Collection so enjoy!
I will be introducing my first official quilt pattern- Winter Garden-the bookshelf quilt.
The weather is warm today! Spring is around the corner!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Winter is tough!

In this age where we are supposed to be inventing, staying positive and dreaming of the future- I feel like I am stuck under a cloche- without the benefit of warmth!

But I will say I am very excited to unveil our little contribution to Country Gardens Magazine Early Spring 2009!

When the Country Gardens Early Spring Edition comes out it is like a breath of fresh air. It is a little nudge toward Spring letting you know everything is really going to get warm again. You will not be in this tundra forever. Spring will come, plants and flowers will grow... you won't be able to leave work because of a blizzard and go take a nap with your two year old because why not? we are stuck in tundra anyway...

Ok maybe that is just me- but really we can soak up these moments because when Spring does finally pull back the curtain of white cold we will be so pumped we will keep moving, running, traveling, searching and discovering-and it won't stop until the cold blizzard grips us again to force us to be still.

Listen to the stillness of the snow falling, the sounds of the cars and snowblowers muffled, the birds off in the distance like a little promise that they will be there for us soon.

And in this quiet go get the Country Gardens Early Spring Edition from Fern Hill of course. Have a cup of coffee or tea and dream of what will be this season. What plants will bloom? What is the look I want for my home and my garden? At Fern Hill we are tearing it up! We are gearing up for Spring and resetting the whole shop! Barb Connor of Crosscreek Antiques has been nice (crazy;-)enough to help me move furniture and offer her creative talents so come in and see what chaos is all about!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Now is the time to thank everyone who helped us make it to 2009! We have had such a great year designing new patterns, new fabrics and doing shows. I personally want to thank everybody for your interest in my designs and the encouragement to press on, keep it different, vibrant and exciting!

I am giving you a sneak peek at some gorgeous additions to my Hollyhock Dolls and Garden Garments Collection!
Coming first original quilt pattern. My friend Sue Penn is starting her own fabric company her designers have been hard at work and she will release Bluebird Dishes - and Watermark- Both are exciting new looks.

I am working on a very different look for SB Studios a line called Urban Squares with Camelot Cottons which will premiere in May 2009. I can't wait to share it with you!