Thursday, September 24, 2009

Out there in paper!

This is my new work for fabric ... Urban Art full of angst ridden writers, rain on the streets, graffiti and hope that is the creativity of youth in sidewalk chalk... The champagne on the table is to celebrate the final shoot for Outdoor Rooms Magazine- I survived - I still can't believe that- it was a good stress though and will be worth it when the mag comes out Spring 2010! Fabric however out there now- Order it -please... and put something out there!
Peace- Steph


So just when you think you are going to relax... think again. You can see a small figure in the center of this video - that is my Liam dancing the night away to the Australian band The Rosie Burgess trio a free concert at Green Square Park in Cedar Rapids. This was a great night and a great show- My Paige and Marc went too and we all had fun!